I'm still here...just ridiculously busy! I'm taking two classes (one of which I did not realize is a doctoral level course until my first day). I'm working part time at my full time job because I'm on reduced schedule FMLA since Samantha's birth. That only lasts 1 1/2 more weeks then I'll be working full time there and part time on top of that running character groups for junior high school kids. Add the new one and trying to get a minute here and there to spend with family, and you could say I'm fairly booked. Those of you who missed it, yes, we have 4 little uns now, Samantha Rose was born 09/13/2008 at 12:12 am weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches. If you are interested check out her pics here at my sister's website. Click on Enter Full Screen, then on Clients, enter Samantha at the bottom as the password. Mary did an AWESOME job! (She's in Utah for those of you out there looking for a great photographer...mention my name...I'm sure she'll treat ya a little better then ;-)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Subscribe to get email updates!
Hey guys! I'm trying to keep my fun little gadgets on the right side of my blog to a minimum, but I keep finding really cool things... My latest add is an email subscription where you will be sent any updates I make to my blog...so you won't have to keep checking my blog every couple of hours like I know you do with baited breath...you will get an email with the whole new post...see how much I'm trying to make all your lives so easy...plus...if you don't mind it...it lets me know who has subscribed....which is cool too...cuz I'm starting to wonder if anyone reads this since I never get any comments on here (except you Mary...which I am so very thankful!!) So check it out and please, please subscribe! Also, you can leave a comment on my comment box without having to sign in or anything...feel free!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Had our 20 week Ultrasound! WE'RE HAVING A...
BABY! Nope we don't know if it's a girl or boy, because Bethany wants to wait to find out, which I'm cool with, so most likely we will know sometime in September what we're having (Although if our poll is in anyway accurate, we'll have a girl, as more than 1/2 of you thought we'll have a girl, not to mention that is what Bethany wants). I have ultrasound pictures, but haven't been able to make any scans of them yet. School is finally done. I took 2 classes for no particular reason. A graduate level Higher Education class: The law of higher education, and a general development through the lifespan class. I think I ended up doing pretty well....especially considering what has happened at the school this semester, in our personal lives and with our families.
This summer I will be taking the GRE and will hopefully have my application to the MFT (Marriage and Family Therapy) program here on campus done by no later than mid fall. It also looks like I will have a really cool opportunity to work with a local Jr High school in facilitating activity/therapy groups for at risk kids! I will be working for a great employer and it will be amazing experience and should help my resume too!
I will post new pictures and ultrasound shots soon! until then...
Monday, April 28, 2008
While My Guitar Gently Weeps on Ukulele!
How can you beat The Beatles when coupled with the sounds of the islands...Presenting Jake Shimabukuro performing "While my Guitar Gently Weeps"
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
From my trip to Samoa
Hey there, thought I would post this short clip of the Aana School District song they sang for me while I was visiting in the summer of 2006. They were practicing for an event in Apia that was going to be held the next week.
Romantic Anniversary Date
It was a special night after all, it was our 8 year anniversary, so we decided to take a night to celebrate! My wife was beautiful as always, and I opened the door to the restaurant. She entered followed closely by our 3 yr olds, while the 14 mo old smiled at the image of Chuck E Cheese on the window. Nothing like a romantic night out with your wife...at Chuck E Cheese....with your todlers. It was my fault, I was supposed to try to get a baby sitter on Monday. But in my defense, I had been up since 9pm on Sunday when Beth and I discussed that at noon on Monday. Actually it was quite a fun evening for us, especially since we have not really spent much time together as a family lately, either Beth or I are gone almost 24/7. When we are together we are either in logistical planning mode, sleeping or otherwise engaged in some level of preparation or maintainance (I know we are the only family that endures such a lifestyle!). It sometimes amazes me how much we have to do to take care of our family. It is so hard to make sure we're not letting life control us, instead of us contoling life. I think often on this subject as I have found it one of the hardest things to ensure. There are alot of thoughts on this topic out there, including inspired teachings of old and modern day prophets. Goals, planning, progression, but balancing that and ensuring those goals etc meet and are in line with spiritual and familiar goals and expectations. In alot of ways, I have thought of my current situation and the direction my family is headed as "spiritual free falling" if you will. I am scared to death of making the wrong decisions with and for my family, but I feel (although maybe not to the degree I Should be) inspired that the current decisions we are making are right for our family. The "free falling" comes in when I consider I may need to leave my current employment to go to grad school, having another child (although that was is kinda already decided for us ;-) ). Anywho, alot on my mind these days.
Pictures of our fun romantic anniversary!
On another note, when you don't have any extra diapers, you can always try other, nonconventional means to dry your child's wet bum! (PS I freak out when Beth lets them get in there (Which is rarely and always under close supervision)!)
At least in their sleep they love each other ;-) Tyler fell asleep and the next thing I knew Cera had cuddled up to him and this was the result. Not only very cute, but a rarity that they BOTH are asleep at the same time.
What can I say...he's a cute kid, but then again, look at his parents, what else would one expect?!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Last Lecture
I came across this video while looking up courage on wikipedia. Randy Pausch's "Last Lecture" I found it to be VERY inspiring, and recommend to anyone interested to check it out! He is battling Pancreatic cancer. If you want to watch it, make some time, it is 76 minutes long, but I felt it was well worth it!
Check http://download.srv.cs.cmu.edu/~pausch/ for more information.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Grand Parade and Grandpa Dale
Well, this weekend our family lost a great grandpa, and the world lost a great man. My wife's dad's dad passed away Saturday evening. He had a very aggressive form of cancer and we were all caught by surprise by the swift progression of the disease. He was one of those individuals that many would categorize as a cuddly bear. He was large in stature and personality, but meek and mild in mannerism. He will be greatly missed and forever remembered.
In other news, this weekend I was able to go see my Uncle perform with his Genesis cover band Grand Parade ( http://www.grandparadeprog.com/). They performed at Otto's in Dekalb. I am always impressed with his guitar skills and the band sounded great! (Jeff, if you're reading this, don't get a big head just cuz it was great, k?! ;-) ). It was nice to spend some time with Steve and his wife and my father. We also got to see some family that we haven't seen in a while!
I am so ready for this semester to be over! Between the shooting, work, school, illnesses and everything else occurring this semester I have just felt swamped the whole semester. This summer should be nice with me not working much OT anymore, no school, and Beth not working either. Our poor kids probably have felt neglected and have watched WAY TOO MUCH TV the last month or so. Hopefully we can get out and take them to the Zoo, go swimming, and maybe go to Branson Mo. I recently found out a mission buddy is in Branson doing a Polynesian show. (http://www.theduttons.com/islandfire/) I would love to be able to go see him and the show, and Branson is a really fun place from what I remember when we went when I was a kid. Anywho, thanks for the comments on the last post, feel free to add thoughts whenever you feel a need or desire.
Friday, April 4, 2008
OK, I don't know if I'm in a really negative mood right now, or there is something in the air, or if I've just been to busy and uptight lately to enjoy life...but is it just me...or do people need to get over themselves, get over others, or something. We've all probably heard the phrase or theory "You tend to see in others that which is inside yourself." Which scares me...cuz all I see around me are people negative about EVERYTHING in life. Their job, their money issues, the economy, the war, the country, their families, their boss, their coworkers, the parking meter guy, the teachers, the students, media, reporters the next door neighbor, the stupid drivers, race inequality, civil rights, gays rights, the oil company CEO's, the car makers, the landlord, the housing market analysts, Realtors, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, kids, kids friends, kids friends parents, aches, pains, life, death, wives, husbands, shall I go on!? And it seems the worlds answer is...we need to talk about it more. I am so sick and tired about hearing about it...meaning I don't to talk about it (meaning all these stupid "issues") anymore....nor do I want to hear other people in any capacity "gripe" (to sensor myself) and moan about things. I think we need less talking and more action. You don't like your job: change it or learn to like it. you don't like your family: go live as a hermit in the mountains; don't like your family: get rid of the one you have and go make a new one. Any of those options not viable, stop whining, shut up and find the good in what you have (which is why you've stuck with it this long I would guess), and work on changing what you can or are willing to change, and learn to accept what you can't or are unwilling to change. Well....I must say amen to myself. As I must be one of the ones whining....(please see above text as reference). It just seems we all, including myself, get so caught up in life that we forget life even exists. We're so worried about the mortgage, rent or trying to get a mortgage, that we forget why we even have a house, apartment or shack. Well...I hope I can live by my ideals, or at least try to, or learn to try to. I also hope you all have gained SOMETHING from my "musings". Please feel free to comment, add an amen, or tell me where and how I see things wrong. Also, I will still be posting about my wonderful family...updating everyone about them with pictures and cute anecdotal stories, but I also am going to incorporate more of myself forthwith. I have some poems I wrote while on my mission...I think I may post some. Maybe in telling those 2 or 3 people out there who look at my blog every other month or so a little more about myself...I learn and see more of myself as well. Oh...and by the I'll start sharing more of myself right now...I'm a procrastinator. I am doing this instead of any number of things I should be doing instead like: prepare a Sunday school lesson, finish...well...lets be honest...start a paper that was due 2 days ago (oops), do something at work instead of writing a blog entry (I don't put too much weight because I don't come here to work!), union stuff, resume writing, etc. (As you can see I am a list maker). My point...I don't care...I am a procrastinator and proud of it. I can learn to deal with that to a degree, so long as my procrastination doesn't lead my family or close friends to feel I have let them down because of not accomplishing something I should have. Well...that is today's lesson in "Samisms" or "The World of Sam" or "Sam as Sam Sees it" or "As the Sam Turns"...ok....enough of that...feel free to stop by anytime...the light is always on! (BTW...for those of you who know where I live...I mean the Blog....not my house...I will turn off the light there.)
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
News and Updates
Hello all, I know...I know....Yet again it has been way too long since I've updated this blog. I have been fairly busy and do have quite a bit of new news. First off, for those of you who may not have already heard...The Denton clan will be soon adding yet another lil un to the family. We recently found out Beth is pregnant and due September 16th. We dont know if we will be graced with another girl or another boy...but Beth has planned on a girl since she was like 12 and wants a girl to round things out...Those who know Beth...she usually gets her way. Also, those of you who may have caught a second of the news the last couple of days may have heard something about an occurance at the University which is my place of employment. Yes, I was working. I am fine, but have been very busy and at times a bit overwhelmed. I am still trying to fully process the events of that day and my subsequent thoughts and feelings. I have been comforted and supported by many of you, and for that I am greatly appreciative. I am sure it will take quite a while before we feel life is back to normal, even then, it is hard to contemplate that it never will be "normal" again for those who lost thier lives and those who were directly effected by that terrible event. I thank you for all your support, and ask you continue to pray and consider those individuals, especially those families that lost loved ones on 02/14/2008 on our campus. Thank you all very much.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
It's been a while!
Hello all! I suppose it's been quite a while since I've had the time and/or energy to update this blog! Thanksgiving and Christmas have both come and gone since I last added to it. Both of those holidays were spent between family and work. I've been working an average of about 50 hours a week since right before Thanksgiving and those hours will get higher before they go back down, we are at 1/2 staff at work and it creates very nice pay checks at the expense of most of the time with my family. Beth was called into the primary presidency of the newly formed Ward. I can tell from our conversations that she enjoys it, and it's challenges and blessings, but is also often somewhat overwhelmed. I was just called to teach the 12-13 yr olds. I think I'll enjoy it. There are only about 3 or 4 of them. I also just started 2 classes on campus, one is a post graduate level higher education law class, taught by the vicepresident of student affairs here...should be interesting. I have been enjoying an audio book lately which I have never tried before. I have been listening to Benjamin Franklins Autobiography. It's better than reading it because I can do it in the car or on my breaks at work (I often take short walks while on break and listen), but I do find myself wanting to go back and listen to certain parts again because my mind wandered or I forgot what I had listened to the last time I had been able to listen. Beth and I have started to play around with numbers and the idea of buying our first home, but I have a feeling it will have to wait until next year. Life is very busy for us and I see no signs of it slowing down, but we enjoy each other and the kids as much as we can!
In early November we took the kids to the park and had some fun! I know I'm not prejudice when I say these kids are the cutest kids ever! ;-)Displaying brute strength
Tyler: "I know if I try hard enough, I can climb this tree that!"
