
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Family Update

Hello all! Things are going generally well and busy as ever. I'm taking 2 online courses again this fall and am officially a "post grad" student. I have been accepted into the graduate school, but have not worked into a gradute program. One of the classes I'm taking this fall (A Homeland Security and Disaster Preparedness class) is a graduate course. The other (A managing financial resourse for health and human sciences course) is an undergrad class. To be bluntly honest...just taking them because they are online which is easier for me. I'm still trying to decide if I want to take the plunge into the MFT (Marriage and Family Therapy) program here at NIU. I recently started a new shift at work, which meant Beth cut down on the hours she is working. She is also in the process of trying to start a scrapbooking paper business. (Those interested in this check out www.darlinglittlescraps.com. It is still under some construction though.) The kids are loads of fun and as rambunchous as ever. Tyler and Cera will be 3 next month, and Carter just turned 7 mo. old! WOW! Time flies! Tyler and Cera are potty training. Tyler started a bit earlier, Cera seems to have it down pretty good, not even sleeping with a diaper anymore. Carter is pulling himself up to any and everything he can, and is getting pretty close to walking along furniture. He also has some teeth stubbs starting to sprout on his lower gums, kinda been fussy last couple of days because of it, which if you know Carter...is not his character. Great Aunt Chrylnn is amazed because during church she usually has him and she says he goes from gooing and gaaing and being active, to quite for a minute or two and rubbing his eyes, then he's out. He is usually a very very happy and unfussy, if you will, baby. The Denton Clan is getting together this weekend for Steve and Utahnas' Bdays. Looking forward to that as I haven't seen everyone for a while. I've had a really fun time lately on www.bebo.com. Found a couple of mission companions and friends on there! It's always good to hear from someone either down there or from there. Only been 1 year since I got back and I'm already getting the itch to go back down there....said this last time, but I don't expect I will be able to go back anytime soon. I was extremely lucky and blessed to have been back twice since I got home from my mission! Well...keep in touch and here are some pics of the cutest family in the world, no offence to yours.

Before Cera's first haircut...

And singing the receipt after her first haircut...

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